
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and What to Do

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and What to Do

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senior looking sad and lonely

As the number of senior citizens in America rises, so does the number of cases exposing abuse.

Every year, new seniors are placed into the dependent care of nursing homes and adult care facilities, with the assumption that they will be well treated and protected. And every year, new cases are brought to light where seniors are physically assaulted, emotionally abused, medically neglected, and more.

According to Nursing Home Abuse Justice a terrifying number of 5,000,000 seniors are abused every year, with evidence pointing to a near 1 in every 10 seniors (60 and up) having experienced some type of abuse.

Senior abuse can stem from uncaring nurses, personal vendettas, or even large cooperate decisions such as understaffing or lack of training. In vindictive cases, nursing home assailants often target seniors with conditions such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, because those are the patients who are least likely to be able to speak up for themselves and put a stop to the abuse.

If you have a senior in nursing home care, it’s important to stay ever vigilant, and constantly watch for signs of abuse.

What are the warning signs of senior abuse?

Sometimes, recognizing senior abuse is about following your gut, picking up on something that just doesn’t feel quite right.

Other times, there are tell-tale signs, such as:

1. Physical injuries
2. Poor hygiene
3. Sudden loss of money
4. Mood swings or emotional inconsistencies
5. Recurrent illnesses or infections
6. Untreated bed sores

Often, nurses will give an excuse or a well sounded reason for why your senior has scratches or why your senior seems scared or why your senior keeps falling. And it may sound perfectly reasonable. But, you must be watchful in order to find the truth of it.

What to do if you suspect senior abuse?

If you’re at all worried that your senior is being mistreated, it’s best to err on the side of caution. After all, you are dealing with your senior’s life here.

Move your senior back home or someplace you know they’ll be safe, as well as contact a nursing home abuse center or attorney. Places like Justice for Elder Abuse or Nursing Home Abuse Center will give you a free case review. They’ll look over your case and guide you to take the appropriate steps.

If you’re not sure where to start, fill out the free claim consultation for Justice for Elder Abuse here: bit.ly/2zvlEI8

It’s time to consider home care for your senior.
Whether your senior is already in a nursing home or you’re just now looking for some extra help, consider at-home care.

With at-home health care, health care providers come right to your home, where you can be witness to exactly how and when your senior is being treated. Home care allows you to keep your senior close while still getting the necessary care for your senior.

Not only is home care one of the safest options to avoid senior abuse, it’s one of the safest ways to keep your senior away from harmful contagions (such as COVID-19). Viruses often run rampant in nursing homes because of the close quarters seniors must live in, but with home health care, you’ll never have to think twice about it.

So, talk to your senior today, and choose the option that’s best for both you and your loved one.

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