
Top Benefits of Using a Home Healthcare Agency | Philadelphia, PA

Top Benefits of Using a Home Healthcare Agency | Philadelphia, PA

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home healthcare agency philadelphia pa

When a loved one gets older, they may require advanced care. Families have several choices. They can provide care themselves, check their loved ones into a nursing facility, or hire a home healthcare agency in Philadelphia, PA. A home healthcare agency offers several benefits. Here are some to consider.

What are the Benefits of a Home Healthcare Agency in Philadelphia, PA?

Cost Savings

Home healthcare is typically less expensive than a residential facility. The cost savings are even greater considering you may be eligible for Medicaid benefits through Pennsylvania government plans. Some plans even allow you to get paid for caring for your loved one.

You can also use insurance to cover some expenses.

Less Stress

Many families decide to care for their loved ones themselves. However, they often find the stress is overwhelming. They may struggle to balance their social responsibilities and workload with their loved one’s needs.

A healthcare agency will provide a trusted aide who can deal with various senior needs. They will take the stress off your shoulders.

Customized Care

Residential facilities tend not to provide customized care. With multiple patients to oversee, they may forget about your loved one’s special needs and preferences.

A personal caregiver will see your loved one regularly. They will learn their personality quirks and medical needs. They will provide a high level of personalized care to enhance quality of life.

Specialized Services

Family caregivers may do okay helping loved ones with basic tasks like housekeeping and self-care, but needs can become more advanced as your loved one ages. You may need more specialized care. An agency has various skilled workers and can adjust care for a seamless transition.

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Comfort of Aging in Place

An AARP study reveals that most seniors prefer to age in place. They enjoy the stability and comfort of their home surroundings. They feel safe having neighbors nearby.

When seniors move into a residential home, they often experience stress and confusion that makes it difficult to adjust. This is especially the case for dementia patients. Home healthcare allows seniors to age in place and enjoy a higher level of mental health.

Companionship Care

A home care aide will learn about your loved one’s interests. They will help them engage in hobbies, teach them to use social media to connect with others, and take them to social functions. Nursing care facilities provide similar services but are not as personalized due to the larger client base.

Aurora is a Preferred Home Healthcare Agency in Philadelphia, PA

Home healthcare is beneficial but you will get the most out of it if you work with a reputable agency. Aurora is an agency you can trust. We provide compassionate, professional care to help seniors maintain independent lifestyles.

We offer various home care and home healthcare services. We are Medicaid-approved for optimal affordability. We will walk you through the application process to ensure you get the required assistance.

Contact us when your loved one needs a homecare health agency in Philadelphia. Our services are second to none.

We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.