
Archive for tag: best home health care agency near me

How to Handle a Patient Suffering From Alzheimer’s

How to Handle a Patient Suffering From Alzheimer’s

Ask anyone who has cared for an Alzheimer’s patient about the experience and you will be inundated with complaints and frustration. It is quite emotio...

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5 Steps for Providing an Alzheimer’s Patient With the Proper Home Care

5 Steps for Providing an Alzheimer’s Patient With the Proper Home Care

Caring for an Alzheimer’s patient has the potential to drain your energy, leaving you depleted, and depressed. If you are not currently providing the ...

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How to Boost a Senior’s Appetite

Woman eating and learning How to Boost a Senior’s Appetite

Senior citizens often lose their appetite due to sedentary living. If you or a loved one in Philadelphia reach the age of 60, 70, 80 or older, you wil...

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July is Healthy Vision Month

July is Healthy Vision Month

July is here and that means it is time to celebrate Healthy Vision Month. If you have not had your eyes checked in the past year, now is the time to h...

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Benefits of the Beach for Seniors

seniors enjoying benefits of the beach

The beach isn’t strictly for youngsters who are in shape, skinny and tan. The beach is for everyone including senior citizens. Though the sand and wat...

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How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

How to be a Caregiver to Someone who Suffered a Stroke

Now that your loved one has suffered a stroke, your life will change in several ways. The stroke might have left your parent or grandparent partially ...

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The Importance of May as Mental Health Month as the Pandemic Ends

The Importance of May as Mental Health Month as the Pandemic Ends

Mental health is square in the spotlight as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic. Mental health is essential to personal well-being as well as pers...

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Is a Second Coronavirus Vaccine Dose Really Necessary?

Is a Second Coronavirus Vaccine Dose Really Necessary?

Plenty of people in Philadelphia and elsewhere falsely believe a single vaccine dose will suffice in the ongoing battle against coronavirus. Though th...

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How to Ready Your Senior for Spring Season

How to Ready Your Senior for Spring Season

Spring is finally here. This is the time to do some spring cleaning, open up the windows, enjoy the fresh air, and spend time with your loved ones. In...

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Should Your Aging Loved One Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Should Your Aging Loved One Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

If you are like most people, you are wondering whether your parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle should receive the COVID-19 vaccine. On the surface, i...

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We take processes apart, rethink, rebuild, and deliver them back working smarter than ever before.